Friday, August 27, 2004

levi cato headshot Posted by Hello

coco cato headshot Posted by Hello

Little Red Riding Hood gone bad.  Posted by Hello

complementary colours. Red and green are opposite ends of the colour wheel. Posted by Hello

what a great setting for a shoot. Posted by Hello

chocolate silk Posted by Hello

the yellow tutu strikes again Posted by Hello

ricardo's shot Posted by Hello

she has such a great smile Posted by Hello

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Valeriy (with his new ringflash for his Pentax) showing a nymph how to leap gracefully.. Posted by Hello

before I cropped it. Can't decide which is better. Posted by Hello

too much nymphing, must nap. Posted by Hello

and this one Posted by Hello

Really like this shot. Tones of skin, stone and silk. Posted by Hello

one of Richard's shots. Posted by Hello

Great shoot today... magical setting, nymphs in pink satin and the rain held off till we were done. Posted by Hello

Ricardo took this great shot of "Natasha" Posted by Hello

Wednesday, August 25, 2004


Tonight I just realised that people are actually looking at my blog and leaving comments and I hadn't noticed! Sorry.

Thanks for your interest and kind comments! What a cool tool the internet is... I love it!

Thanks again!


Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Not sure which version I like best. Posted by Hello

photoshop doodling (by ricardo) Posted by Hello

Monday, August 23, 2004

slices  Posted by Hello

strange things in a field Posted by Hello

weeds, photoshopped Posted by Hello

sunflower Posted by Hello

Bicycled about 20 miles round trip on Sunday, along the Caledon Trailway. Here's a bit of bumpf about the trail.

"The Caledon Trailway is part of the Trans Canada Trail that runs across Canada. The Trans Canada Trail will be a shared-use recreation trail that will wind its way through every province and territory. It will be the longest trail of its kind in the world, spanning approximately 16,000 kilometres. The Trail will accommodate five core activities : walking, cycling, horseback riding and cross-country skiing."

I can vouch for the horses. Spent a lot of time dodging horse muffins. We went from Caledon East to Terra Cotta and back again. Ended up having dinner at the Terra Cotta Inn which was really nice.

 Posted by Hello

Friday, August 20, 2004

Valeriy took this shot of RIchard shooting me. Posted by Hello