Monday, February 28, 2005

Is it just me? Or does everyone see it? Ducks are cartoon characters that stepped off the drawing board. Those bright orange feet are just the best, aren't they? They make me smile. Posted by Hello

Deb Schulte, mover and shaker for Friends of Boyd, all of whom have worked to stop the government putting a highway through the middle of a conservation area filled with sensitive and endangered species, not to mention First Nations burial grounds. Posted by Hello

Premier of Ontario, Dalton McGuinty called a press conference to announce the Greenbelt. Friends of Boyd were hoping that Boyd would be included in the plan and it looks like it is. Fingers crossed. Posted by Hello

"Hurricane" Hazel McCallion was at the event today. Mayor of Missisauga, Hazel McCallion, at 83 years of age, has served the public for some 25 years, leading the transformation of a few small towns into the sixth largest city in Canada.  Posted by Hello

David Eadie Posted by Hello

Met a very interesting gentleman today, with a very photogenic face. His name is David Eadie and he was named as a member of the Order of Canada for his work in humanitarian aid to the world's disadvantaged.

He is a master woodworker and has been a volunteer technical adviser with the Canadian Hunger Foundation and the Canadian Executive Services Organization (CESO).

He introduced new technology and techniques which are fostering self-sufficiency among indigenous peoples in Asia, Europe and the Americas.

Using his extensive background in sawmilling and furniture manufacturing, he finds practical solutions to local problems and his ingenuity became the cornerstone for many successful aid projects in Canada and abroad. Posted by Hello

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Ricardo and I had the day off today, after finishing all of the Toronto Police Mounted Unit trading cards. Got all the artwork done and the backs of the cards and now they go off to the printers. Hopefully I can drive them over before the big snowstorm dumps its load tomorrow. Posted by Hello

I don't know what you call young swans. Yearlings? Swanlets? Anyway, these were some immature swans with some of their brown feathers still intact. The water was such an icy and beautiful green. Posted by Hello

Ducks in a feeding frenzy. I was imagining falling into the water and being snarfed to shreds by orange-footed pirannhas. Posted by Hello

This particular park along the waterfront is a waterfowl's wet dream. Every five minutes a car pulls up, some crazed human totes a garbage bag full of breadcrusts or cereal to the water and dumps it in there. These birds are so stuffed full of food I was starting to worry they might explode. Posted by Hello

I like the textures of this crop of geese. Posted by Hello

Ricardo caught in the act of trying to nick the goose-food to feed to the ducks. Lucky they didn't peck his eyes out. Posted by Hello

Some icy branches along the seawall. Posted by Hello

Friday, February 25, 2005

I love this one because of the snow-eating grin on his face and the pure untouched snow he's about to gallop into. He is the sweetest guy. I say "guy" because he thinks he's human. Posted by Hello

Here he is walking on ice floes in the freezing cold by the river. You can see his breath. Posted by Hello

Here's my sweetie Cooper out back snarfing around in the snow. Eating lots of it. Posted by Hello

P.C. Rick Mamak on Spencer in a little snow squall off the lake. Posted by Hello

P.C. Ted Gallipeau on Brigadier. Was it cold? Oh yes. My eyes froze shut. ;-) Posted by Hello

P.C. Ron Gilbert on Brigadier Posted by Hello

More city sentinels Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Police Chief Fantino on police mount Toby. Posted by Hello

Police Chief Julian Fantino talking to some of the Toronto Police Mounted unit and a training class of police officers trying out for the unit. Posted by Hello

Some crowd control exercises. Posted by Hello

and a bit of fun and games to end the session. Posted by Hello

It was sad watching the Chief say goodbye to the unit for the last time. Chief Fantino always took the time to talk with people. I'm sorry to see him go. Posted by Hello