Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Saturday, July 23, 2005

Anyway, the reason for the foray to Queen and Spadina was to pick up some more of our favourite street art. This is Mike Parsons, and he definitely does not belong on the sidewalk. His work should be on gallery walls and your walls. Go down to Queen Street east of Spadina and find Mike. Check out his stuff, he's so amazing.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Perfect end to a perfect evening. Here's a spot I hope you never find yourself. The impound lot under the Gardiner at York St. I've lived in this city my whole life and this is the first and last time I've ever had my car towed. Expensive lesson. Do not park illegally anywhere around Queen and Spadina, especially Peter Street. You'll get towed too.

Here's the funniest thing about shooting in Toronto. If you're in New York City and taking photographs on the street, people either ignore you completely or put their hand up to block your shot or some variation on the theme.In this city when you're trying to get a shot of anonymous city dwellers scooting past in a blur or whatever, people are so darn polite they will either stop and wait till you're done taking the picture or duck down like this guy so as not to ruin your shot. Funny.