Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007

Originally uploaded by torontofotobug.
“Believe me if a man were made of iron he could hardly stand what we came through … such sights I never want to see again."
I was at Toronto City Hall today, shooting the ceremony marking the 63rd anniversary of D Day. Met some amazing men and women, each with incredible stories to tell. I wish I could have spent the whole day there with a pen and paper and written down all the information.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
laugh for the day

laugh for the day
Originally uploaded by torontofotobug.
Someone sent me this today and it made me smile.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Nice doggie, good doggie..

Nice doggie, good doggie..
Originally uploaded by torontofotobug.
Okie dokie then.
This is what happens when you try to direct a police dog. ;-)
Richard was leaning towards him, making these arm movements showing how he wanted the dog to be placed and the dog just went crazy. I was wondering if I was going to get an action shot of Ricardo being bit in the arse. ;-)

Originally uploaded by torontofotobug.
Poor Drew. He's having a little complication and didn't get to come home today. Fingers crossed that he gets discharged tomorrow. He hasn't eaten a thing for 48 hours.